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Mirror Butterflyfish

SKU: mirror-butterflyfish

Mirror Butterflyfish (Chaetodon speculum)

The Mirror Butterflyfish makes a striking addition to a home aquarium with its bright yellow color and black accents. It features a wide vertical bar running through its eye regions and a large, diffused-edged spot beneath the base of its dorsal fin. These distinctive markings also earn it names like the Oval Spot Butterflyfish or One Spot Butterflyfish.

This species is challenging to keep due to its diet as a corallivore, which requires expert-level care. It primarily feeds on corals and may also nibble or eat Tridacna clams. Generally peaceful, the Mirror Butterflyfish can become aggressive towards others of its species and should not be housed with aggressive tankmates.

An ideal aquarium for this Butterflyfish includes plenty of live rock or hiding places and ample swimming space. It should only be kept in a large tank with fast-growing corals, where coral damage is acceptable. Some hobbyists offer live mussels with crushed shells as an additional food source, but if this is unsuccessful, a dedicated supply of corals is necessary to sustain this member of the Chaetodontidae family throughout its life.