Out of Stock

Mulleri Butterflyfish

SKU: mulleri-butterflyfish

Mulleri Butterflyfish (Chelmon muelleri)

The Mulleri Butterflyfish, native to the reefs of Australia, is characterized by its long, narrow nose and mouth, which it uses to hunt for food in crevices and holes. This fish features black vertical bands on a silver background that transitions into a rust coloration towards the tail. An eyespot on its dorsal fin helps confuse predators about the direction the fish is facing.

Ideal for very large reefs or peaceful community aquariums, the Mulleri Butterflyfish should be housed alone, away from conspecifics or similar Butterflyfish, and not with any stress-inducing fish. Caution is advised when keeping these fish in a reef aquarium, as they may pick on invertebrates, especially anemones and feather dusters. However, they are excellent for controlling aiptasia, or glass anemones, in reef tanks.

Feeding the Mulleri Butterflyfish can be challenging, as it is a shy and deliberate eater. A variety of foods may need to be offered to encourage feeding, including frozen and live foods such as mysis shrimp, vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, and frozen whole cockle.