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Black Ocellaris Clownfish

SKU: black-ocellaris-clownfish

Black Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion polymnus)

The Black and White Ocellaris Clownfish is very distinctive with its jet-black body and three white stripes on each side. As Juveniles these clownfish begin life donning an orange or umber coloration, as they mature they will begin to darken to their adult coloration. They are very hardy and are perfect for the novice or seasoned aquarist.

The Black and White Ocellaris Clownfish is a good candidate for a reef aquarium. If introduced to the aquarium at the same time, many varieties of tank raised clowns can be maintained together in the aquarium.

Captive-Bred clownfish are easy to breed in the home aquarium. The females will be the largest of the pair, and two fish will usually stay close to each other in the aquarium. These fish are egg layers and will deposit the eggs on a flat surface, and defend the eggs from other tank mates. The eggs will normally hatch in 6-11 days depending on the temperature. The fry must be reared in a separate aquarium on a diet of rotifers then baby brine shrimp.

dleback Clownfish are generally hardier and better adapted to home aquarium conditions than their wild-caught counterparts, making them an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced aquarists.

Breeding captive-bred Black Saddlebacks can be more challenging compared to other clownfish species, but dedicated hobbyists can succeed with effort. In pairs, the female will be larger and the two fish will typically remain close. Clownfish lay eggs on a flat surface and guard them from other tank inhabitants. The eggs usually hatch within 8 to 11 days, depending on water temperature. The fry need to be raised in a separate tank and fed rotifers followed by baby brine shrimp.

In terms of diet, Black Saddleback Clownfish eat a variety of meaty foods and herbivore preparations.