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Golden Damselfish

SKU: golden-damselfish

Golden Damselfish ((Amblyglyphidodon aureus)

The Golden Damselfish (Amblyglyphidodon aureus), also known as the Yellow Damselfish, Golden Damsel, Lemon Damsel, or Lemonpeel Damselfish, is easily recognized by its vibrant yellow coloration. Native to the Pacific Ocean, this fish is known for its striking appearance and hardy nature. As Golden Damselfish mature, they tend to become more assertive and aggressive, necessitating that they be housed with other robust tank mates, excluding other Golden Damselfish. Despite their growing aggression, they are highly adaptable and have a hearty appetite, readily accepting most prepared aquarium foods. The Golden Damselfish is a popular choice among aquarists due to its resilience, beauty, and ease of care. While they may exhibit semi-aggressive behavior, this is manageable if they are paired with appropriate tank mates.