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Neon Velvet Damselfish

SKU: neon-velvet-damselfish

Neon Velvet Damselfish (Paraglyphidodon oxyodon)

The Neon Velvet Damsel, also known as the Japanese Damsel or Devil Damsel, features a sleek black body adorned with staggered neon blue streaks and a vertical white band in the center, with purple accents on its fins. As it matures, its coloration gradually shifts to a slightly brownish hue, and the blue accents fade significantly.

The Neon Velvet Damsel is known for its durability and striking appearance, especially as a juvenile when it boasts a modern, eye-catching look. However, as it matures, this damsel can become quite aggressive, often dominating the tank. It’s recommended to keep only one per tank and provide plenty of live rock for shelter along with ample swimming space. Due to its aggressive nature, you may eventually need to relocate the Neon Damsel to another tank to avoid stressing more peaceful fish. It’s also not advisable to house this species in a reef tank or with invertebrates.

Despite its aggressive tendencies, the Neon Velvet Damsel can be an entertaining fish to observe when kept in an isolated tank.