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Ring Eyed Dottyback (Female)

SKU: ring-eyed-dottyback-female

Ring Eyed Dottyback (Female)  (Pseudoplesiops typus)

The Ring Eyed Dottyback, though not frequently found in the aquarium trade, stands out as an exquisite addition to any nano reef setup. This species exhibits distinct sexual dichromatism, with males displaying a striking pinkish-red hue, while females are a softer pink, blending into yellow-green tones where the dorsal, caudal, and anal fins connect to the body. Also referred to as the Big-Eye Dottyback or Hidden Basslet due to its elusive nature, the Ring Eyed Dottyback typically resides in crevices within reef faces and lagoons at depths of 20 to 30 feet. In a home aquarium, they are likely to remain hidden within the rockwork but will occasionally emerge to snatch food once they’ve settled in.