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Diamond Watchman Goby

SKU: diamond-watchman-goby

Diamond Watchman Goby (Valenciennea puellaris)

The Diamond Watchman Goby, also known as the Pretty Prawn, Maiden, Orange Spotted Diamond, Orange-dashed, or Orange spotted Sleeper Goby, was first identified in the Indo-Pacific Ocean by Tomiyama in 1956. This fish features a white body adorned with orange spots and is known for its timid nature, making it a wonderful addition to a reef tank due to its longevity. To thrive, the Diamond Watchman Goby requires a tank of at least 30 gallons with live sand substrate and a connected, populated refugium. It creates shallow burrows in the sand, which helps to oxygenate the substrate. Although it is generally non-aggressive towards other fish, it can be territorial and may fight with other gobies of its kind unless they are a mated pair.