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Areolate Grouper

SKU: areolate-grouper

Areolate Grouper (Epinephelus areolatus)

The Areolate Grouper (Epinephelus areolatus) is an impressive and striking species that has recently gained attention in the aquarium hobby. Known for its robust build and attractive patterning of dark spots on a pale yellow to light brown body, this grouper is highly sought after by enthusiasts who appreciate both its beauty and its formidable presence. However, it’s not a fish for beginners. The Areolate Grouper can grow up to 24 inches (60 cm) in length, which means that a large tank—often exceeding 200 gallons—is necessary to house it comfortably.

Aquarium hobbyists are drawn to the Areolate Grouper for its predatory nature and territorial behavior, making it a standout in larger, predator-themed marine tanks. Due to its size and temperament, it is best kept with other large, aggressive tankmates that can hold their own, such as triggers, eels, and lionfish. Small fish or invertebrates should be avoided, as they will likely be seen as prey.

Caring for an Areolate Grouper involves maintaining excellent water quality, a spacious environment, and a diet of meaty foods like shrimp, squid, and fish. Despite their hardy nature, they can be susceptible to stress in cramped or unstable conditions. For the right hobbyist, however, the Areolate Grouper offers an exciting and visually striking addition to any large saltwater setup.