Diana’s Hogfish


SKU: dianas-hogfish

Diana’s Hogfish (Bodianus diana)

Diana’s Hogfish, scientifically known as Bodianus diana, is also called the Red Diana Hogfish, Diana Hogfish, Red & Gold Hogfish, or Spotted Hogfish. This species is distinguished by its striking red-orange body adorned with white spots and a textured, scaly appearance. Juvenile Diana’s Hogfish exhibit different colors and patterns, gradually developing the vibrant hues of the adult as they mature.

Diana’s Hogfish can be quite aggressive and should not be housed with small, docile fish or delicate sessile invertebrates. For optimal care, provide a tank of at least 50 gallons with ample live rock and avoid keeping multiple Diana’s Hogfish together to minimize territorial disputes. This species thrives on a diet of meaty foods suitable for carnivores.