Out of Stock

Yellow Headed Pearly Jawfish

SKU: yellow-headed-pearly-jawfish

Yellow Headed Pearly Jawfish (Opistognathus aurifrons) 

The Yellowhead Jawfish, also known as the Yellow Head Jawfish or Yellow-headed Pearly Jawfish, features a vibrant yellow head and a light blue-green body. It is commonly found in the sandy, rubble-strewn areas of reefs in the tropical Western Atlantic, where it stays close to its burrow or cave. In the wild, this fish can grow up to 5 inches long, while in an aquarium, it typically reaches around 4 inches. With its charming personality, the Yellowhead Jawfish is a playful and engaging fish that enjoys observing its surroundings. It is moderately hardy and tends to be shy, making it best suited for tanks with other gentle fish. Although it generally avoids other tank inhabitants, it may be intimidated by other burrowing fish. This species requires a substrate of 5-7 inches of fine, soft sand, and the tank should have a secure lid to prevent escape, as the Yellowhead Jawfish is known for jumping when startled. It will spend most of its time in its burrow, and if frightened, it will quickly retreat tail-first. If the tank is spacious enough, multiple Yellowhead Jawfish can be kept together, creating a fascinating display as they “dance” up and down in their burrows. Adding various-sized rocks among the sand can help support and reinforce their burrows.