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Figure 8 Puffer

SKU: figure-8-puffer

Figure 8 Puffer (Tetraodon biocellatus)

The Figure 8 Puffer features a distinctive coloration with a dark brown to green back and a white underside. Its body is adorned with yellow lines and spots, creating a visually striking pattern. Black spots outlined in yellow can also be found on the tail, body, and nose.

For optimal care, the Figure 8 Puffer should be kept in a brackish water aquarium equipped with numerous plants (real or artificial), rocks providing ample hiding spots, and a sandy substrate composed of aragonite-based sand. This species can be territorial, especially towards others of its kind, so caution is advised when keeping multiple individuals together.

Breeding occurs in brackish water, with the female laying eggs on the bottom, either on the substrate or a flat rock. The male will then guard the fertilized eggs for about 7 days until the fry are free-swimming.

To maintain a healthy diet, provide the Figure 8 Puffer with a variety of crustacean-based foods such as brine shrimp, krill, mollusks, and earthworms.