Out of Stock

Longhorn Cowfish

SKU: longhorn-cowfish

Longhorn Cowfish (Lactoria cornuta)

The Longhorn Cowfish is found in the reefs of the Indo-Pacific, typically in clearer waters. It features a tan to yellow body adorned with white and blue dots and is sometimes referred to as the Yellow Boxfish. However, it should not be confused with the Ostracion cubicus, commonly known as the Yellow or Polka Dot Boxfish. In the wild, Longhorn Cowfish can reach up to 20 inches, but in captivity, they usually grow to about 16 inches or less. For optimal results, introduce the Longhorn Cowfish as the first fish in your tank. It is best kept alone or with careful consideration of tank mates, as it can be aggressive towards other Longhorns. Provide a spacious tank with live rock for algae grazing. Be cautious in reef tanks, as the Cowfish may nibble on tubeworms.