Big-Eyed Squirrelfish


SKU: big-eyed-squirrelfish

Big Eyed Squirrelfish (Myripristis jacobus)

The Big Eyed Squirrelfish, also known as the Blackbar Soldierfish, stands out with its vivid red coloration and slender white outlines on its fins. Its notably large eyes, featuring black pupils, add to its distinctive appearance.To keep this fish in optimal conditions, a 70-gallon or larger aquarium with plenty of live rock for hiding spots is recommended. It can thrive in a small group if there are sufficient hiding places and ample swimming space. This nocturnal species prefers to stay hidden during the day and becomes active at night, foraging for food. Its diet primarily includes invertebrates such as worms (including fireworms), crustaceans, and serpent stars.When first introduced to an aquarium, live saltwater feeder shrimp are effective in encouraging the fish to start eating. Over time, its diet can be varied with live feeder shrimp, freeze-dried shrimp, and chopped marine meats that move in the water column.