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Philippine Yellow Tang

SKU: philippine-yellow-tang

Philippine Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens)

Yellow Tangs are among the most popular reef fish in marine aquariums, renowned for their vibrant colors and lively personalities. Their striking yellow hue and distinctive body shape make them a favorite for many aquarists. Active swimmers, they are a joy to observe and are relatively easy to care for, fitting well into community tanks.

While Yellow Tangs are semi-aggressive, compatibility with other species should be checked, and they should be added last to the aquarium to prevent territorial disputes. Mature Yellow Tangs can grow up to eight inches, so a spacious tank is essential.

Yellow Tangs are kept in well-filtered aquariums of at least 100 gallons. To mimic their natural reef habitat, provide plenty of live rock and open swimming areas. Enhancing water movement with powerheads or wavemakers can also benefit these active fish.