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Red Fin Fairy Wrasse

SKU: red-fin-fairy-wrasse

Red Fin Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus adornatus)

The Red-Fin Fairy Wrasse, also known as the Koi Fairy Wrasse or Debelius Fairy Wrasse, is a peaceful addition that adds vibrant color and lively activity to your reef or fish-only aquarium. Adult males are notably more colorful and eye-catching than females.For optimal care, the Red-Fin Fairy Wrasse should be kept in an established marine aquarium of at least 50 gallons, featuring ample live rock and plenty of open swimming spaces. This species is considered reef-safe and thrives best with other peaceful tankmates. It’s essential to have a covered aquarium, as wrasses are known jumpers.A balanced diet for the Red-Fin Fairy Wrasse should consist of vitamin-enriched frozen or thawed mysis and brine shrimp, along with other meaty foods. High-quality marine flakes and pellets should also be included.