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Royal Flasher Wrasse

SKU: royal-flasher-wrasse

Royal Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus angulatus) 

The Royal Flasher Wrasse, also known as the Angular Flasher Wrasse, is a stunningly colorful species native to the Philippines and Northern Indonesia. This fish is typically found in sheltered reefs abundant with corals and algae, often in small groups primarily consisting of females. Its alternate name, “Angular Flasher Wrasse,” reflects its distinctive elongated and sharply angular dorsal and anal fins. Notably, male Royal Flasher Wrasses do not possess the dorsal filaments that are common in many other flasher wrasses. This species exhibits sexual dichromatism, with females displaying more subdued colors compared to the vibrant hues of the males. During courtship, male Royal Flasher Wrasses display their brilliantly colored fins to attract potential mates. Interestingly, their coloration can change significantly based on their mood. The Royal Flasher Wrasse is a peaceful and active fish, adding both color and movement to a fish-only or reef aquarium. An established, well-filtered marine aquarium of at least 55 gallons, generously aquascaped with rockwork, provides an ideal habitat. This species is reef-safe and will not harm corals or invertebrates, making it a great choice for reef tanks. Typically, a single male can be housed with a group of females that are introduced simultaneously or prior to the male. Like other flasher wrasses, the Royal Flasher Wrasse is prone to jumping, so a secure canopy is essential. For optimal health, the diet of the Royal Flasher Wrasse should include vitamin-enriched frozen mysis and brine shrimp, along with other meaty foods, as well as high-quality marine flakes and pellets.