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Scarlet Pinstripe Wrasse

SKU: scarlet-pinstripe-wrasse

Scarlet Pinstripe Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus evanidus)

The Scarlet Pin Stripe Wrasse, also known as the Secretive Wrasse or Striated Wrasse, is a stunning fish characterized by its deep red to maroon coloration, accented by faint horizontal stripes that extend along its body to the gill covers. Each eye is highlighted by a pale blue stripe or marking. For optimal care, this wrasse requires a tank of at least 30 gallons, equipped with plenty of hiding spots and live rock for foraging. It may exhibit aggressive behavior towards other peaceful wrasses, so it’s best to introduce this species last in your aquarium setup. The Scarlet Pin Stripe Wrasse feeds on live foods, including small crustaceans like pyramidellid snails (clam parasites), commensal flatworms, and bristle worms, making it an excellent addition to a reef aquarium. A well-rounded diet for the Scarlet Pin Stripe Wrasse should consist of vitamin-enriched frozen mysis shrimp, frozen brine shrimp, and other meaty foods, along with high-quality marine flakes and pellets.