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Atlantic Blue Tang

SKU: atlantic-blue-tang

Atlantic Blue Tang (Acanthurus coeruleus)

The Blue Caribbean Tang, also known as the Atlantic Blue Tang, Blue Tang Surgeonfish, or simply the Blue Tang, features an oval body with striking markings that evolve as the fish matures. Juveniles are bright yellow with two blue bands around the eyes and additional blue accents on the edges of the dorsal and caudal fins. As they reach maturity, their coloration becomes a vibrant blue, often with horizontal markings and a possible yellow tail.To thrive, the Blue Caribbean Tang requires a spacious aquarium of at least 180 gallons to provide ample swimming room. While they can be aggressive toward other tangs and surgeonfish, they are generally peaceful with other fish species. In terms of diet, Blue Tangs enjoy meaty foods but should primarily be offered marine-based seaweed and algae to support their immune system, reduce aggression, and enhance overall health.