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Broom Filefish

SKU: broom-filefish

Broom Filefish (Amanses scopas)

The Broom Filefish, scientifically known as (Amanses scopas), also known as the Scrawled Filefish or Spiny Filefish, is known for its distinctively elongated tail and textured body, is a fascinating species known for its distinctive elongated and broom-like tail. It hails from the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region, where it is often found near coral reefs and seagrass beds. The Broom Filefish has a unique, textured body that ranges in color from muted browns to olive green, often displaying subtle patterns that help it blend seamlessly into its surroundings.

In aquariums, the Broom Filefish is generally a peaceful species, though it can be somewhat territorial towards other fish with similar body shapes. It requires a spacious tank of at least 100 gallons, as well as plenty of hiding places such as live rock or artificial structures. While relatively easy to care for, this species is best kept in a fish-only tank due to its tendency to nip at invertebrates and corals, making it unsuitable for reef setups.

The diet of the Broom Filefish consists primarily of sponges, algae, and small invertebrates in the wild. In captivity, it can be fed a varied diet of marine-based foods such as chopped shrimp, squid, clams, and mysis shrimp, along with algae sheets and quality pellet food. Feeding should be done multiple times a day to ensure they receive proper nutrition.