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Brown Spotted Rabbitfish

SKU: brown-spotted-rabbitfish

Brown Spotted Rabbitfish (Siganus Stellatus)

The Blue-spotted Spinefoot, also known by various names including Gold-spotted Spinefoot, Honeycomb Rabbitfish, Star-spotted Rabbitfish, Starry Rabbitfish, Stellate Rabbitfish, and Star-spotted Spinefoot, is commonly found in pairs or schools over coral reefs.These fish primarily feed on benthic seaweeds, with juveniles often residing in weedy estuaries. They can grow up to 40 cm in length and are typically found at depths ranging from 1 to 35 meters across the Indian Ocean.Rabbitfish are usually seen in algae-rich reef environments. They possess venomous spines in their anal fin and at both ends of their ventral fins, which can cause extremely painful injuries if threatened or handled improperly.