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Catalina Goby

SKU: catalina-goby

Catalina Goby (Lythrypnus dalli)

The Catalina Goby is renowned for its striking appearance, featuring a bright red body, vivid blue mask, vertical stripes on the front half, and a yellow-tinted tail. This peaceful species is harmless to other fish, corals, and invertebrates, and thrives in nano aquariums of at least 10 gallons. Although it can be territorial with its own kind in smaller tanks, it can be kept in groups in larger aquariums. Catalina Gobies are not typically shy and are often seen perched on live rock. A fascinating aspect of the Catalina Goby is its unique reproductive behavior. Each goby has both male and female reproductive tissues but can only exhibit one gender at a time. If unsuccessful in one role, it can switch to the other. Males, usually larger with longer dorsal fins tipped in black, choose a cave to guard the eggs laid by a female. They care for the eggs until they hatch. Native to the cold waters off the Eastern Pacific coast of the U.S., the Catalina Goby prefers temperatures between 60° F and 70° F but can tolerate warmer temperatures for short periods.