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Lawnmower Blenny

SKU: lawnmower-blenny

Lawnmower Blenny (Salarias fasciatus)

The Sailfin/Algae Blenny, also known as the Jewelled Rockskipper, Lawnmower, or Rock Blenny, stands out for its distinctive appearance and delightful demeanor. Sporting a mottled tan coloration, oversized eyes, and the typical body shape of the Blenniidae family, Salarias fasciatus adds aesthetic charm to any marine aquarium. Despite growing up to 5 inches in size in captivity, it remains peaceful, active, and a joy to observe. Native to reefs across the Indo-Pacific, this blenny perches on live rock, hides in caves, hops across the substrate, and grazes on microalgae. As such, it thrives best in larger systems with ample live rock and rockwork.


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