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Lyretail Dottyback

SKU: lyretail-dottyback

Lyretail Dottyback (Pseudochromis steenei)

The Lyretail Dottyback (Pseudochromis steenei) is a vibrant and hardy saltwater fish known for its striking coloration and dynamic behavior. Native to the coral reefs of the Indo-Pacific, this fish stands out due to its deep violet to purple body and bright yellow tail. The “lyretail” moniker is derived from the shape of its tail, which curves elegantly like the musical instrument. These fish typically grow to about 3-4 inches in length, making them an ideal choice for smaller to mid-sized reef tanks.

One of the appealing traits of the Lyretail Dottyback is its hardiness, making it a popular choice among beginner and experienced aquarists alike. It can adapt to a range of water conditions, although it thrives best in a well-maintained reef environment with plenty of live rock for hiding and hunting. As semi-aggressive fish, they are territorial and may exhibit aggression toward other tank mates, especially those of similar size or color. It’s important to introduce them into aquariums with careful consideration of compatible species to prevent conflicts.

Diet-wise, the Lyretail Dottyback is carnivorous, feeding on small invertebrates, brine shrimp, and mysis shrimp in captivity. Its natural diet consists of tiny crustaceans and small organisms it hunts on the reef. Given their bold nature and predatory instincts, it is advisable to avoid keeping them with small ornamental shrimp, as these may become a meal. With the right care and tank setup, Lyretail Dottybacks can thrive in captivity, bringing color and activity to any reef aquarium.