Out of Stock


SKU: pilotfish

Pilotfish (Gnathanodon speciosus)

The Pilotfish, also known as the Golden Trevally or Golden Jack, is renowned for its shimmering metallic-gold body adorned with black vertical bands. Due to its rapid growth, it requires a spacious aquarium of at least 500 gallons. As a schooling fish, it thrives best when kept with other Pilotfish. Be aware that it will prey on smaller fish.

When first introduced to an aquarium, offering live saltwater feeder shrimp can help encourage feeding. Once acclimated, the Pilotfish should be fed a diet of prepared meaty foods designed for carnivores, along with live fish such as shrimp, scallops, and other marine flesh.

**Approximate Purchase Sizes: **
– Small: Under 3″
– Medium: 3″ to 7″
– Large: Over 7″