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Potter’s Wrasse

SKU: potters-wrasse

Potter’s Wrasse (Anampses potteri)

The Potter’s Wrasse (Anampses potteri) is a colorful reef fish native to the waters surrounding Hawaii. Known for its vibrant hues of blue, orange, and yellow, this fish is a favorite among marine enthusiasts for its striking appearance. It typically inhabits coral-rich areas at depths ranging from 10 to 100 feet, where it thrives among rocky outcrops and coral heads.

Potter’s Wrasses are relatively small, growing up to around 5 inches in length. They are active swimmers, often seen darting in and out of crevices as they forage for food. Their diet consists mainly of small invertebrates, such as crustaceans and mollusks, which they pick off the reef with precision.

In aquariums, the Potter’s Wrasse is popular but requires specific care due to its sensitivity to changes in water conditions. They are best kept in well-established tanks with plenty of live rock and hiding places. Despite their beauty, they can be challenging to care for, making them more suitable for experienced aquarists.