Powder Blue Tang


SKU: powder-blue-tang

Powder Blue Tang (Acanthurus leucosternon) 

The Powder Blue Tang is celebrated for its stunning oval body shape and vibrant colors. Its striking markings feature various shades of blue, accented by bright yellow and white highlights. The dorsal and pectoral fins are particularly eye-catching, while bold blue-black markings frame the face and tail. A spacious aquarium of at least 125 gallons is essential to accommodate their active swimming behavior. The Powder Blue Tang is highly territorial and aggressive, especially towards other tangs or surgeonfish with similar appearances. Ideally, it should be the only tang in the tank, unless you’re maintaining a very large setup where multiple individuals can be introduced at the same time.

While Powder Blue Tangs will consume meaty foods along with other fish in the aquarium, it’s crucial to provide a diet rich in marine-based seaweed and algae. This not only supports their immune system but also helps reduce aggression and promote overall health. Offer dried seaweed secured to a rock or with a veggie clip, feeding them at least three times a week. Products like Sea Veggies, Seaweed Salad, and Ocean Nutrition are excellent options and easy to use.