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Powder Brown Tang

SKU: powder-brown-tang

Powder Brown Tang (Acanthurus japonicus)

The Powder Brown Tang, also known as the Powder Brown Surgeonfish, Japan Surgeonfish, or White-faced Surgeonfish, features an elegant oval body with stunning coloration. Its overall hue ranges from brown to blackish blue, complemented by striking black dorsal and anal fins adorned with blue edges. A distinctive red band marks the back of the dorsal fin, while yellow stripes run along the body just above and below these fins. Each side of the caudal peduncle boasts a sharp spine, often referred to as a scalpel. Native to the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region, the Powder Brown Tang can be found in the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and western Pacific Ocean. Generally considered reef-safe, the Powder Brown Tang doesn’t pose a direct threat to corals or invertebrates. However, its grazing habits may occasionally lead to incidental coral damage. This tang typically grows to a length of 7 to 9 inches (18 to 23 cm) and can live for 10 years or more in a well-maintained aquarium with proper care. Primarily herbivorous, the Powder Brown Tang thrives on a diet rich in algae and vegetable matter. It’s essential to offer a variety of high-quality foods, including marine pellets, seaweed sheets, and fresh vegetables to meet their nutritional needs.