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Premium Black Snowflake Clownfish

SKU: premium-black-snowflake-clownfish

Premium Black Snowflake Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)

The Premium Black Snowflake Clownfish is a new strain, developed by crossing Black Ice Snowflake Clownfish with Black Ocellaris Clownfish over several generations. The result is a stunning variety of Black Ocellaris with unique, striking white patterning on each fish. This clownfish exhibits an extreme degree of white, giving it a distinctive and eye-catching appearance. It’s important to note that, like the Black Ocellaris, the Premium Black Snowflake Clownfish will spend its first year gradually darkening to its final black coloration. Some individuals may retain traces of orange on their faces. Fish like the Premium Black Snowflake Clownfish are an excellent choice for saltwater aquarium enthusiasts because they are hardy and better adapted to conditions in home aquariums compared to wild-harvested species.