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Purple Masked Angelfish

SKU: purple-masked-angelfish

Purple Masked Angelfish (Paracentropyge venusta)

The Purple Masked Angelfish, also known as Venustus Angel or Blue-backed Angelfish, is a stunning addition to any aquarium, featuring a captivating blend of blue and yellow hues that will delight aquarists. To accommodate this fish, a 70-gallon or larger aquarium with ample live rock for hiding is recommended, especially since it tends to be a bit shy. However, as the Purple Masked Angelfish matures, it may display a more assertive demeanor towards fish of similar size and body shape. While generally considered reef-safe, caution is advised as it may nip at sessile invertebrates and clam mantles.

Ensure a varied diet for the Purple Masked Angelfish, including Spirulina, marine algae, mysis or frozen shrimp, and other meaty items.

Approximate Purchase Size: Medium: 2″ to 3″; Large: 3″ to 4″.