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Purple Tang

SKU: purple-tang

Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum) 

The Purple Tang is a striking fish, showcasing a vibrant blue to purple coloration with a yellow tail and yellow accents on its pectoral fins. Originally found only in the coral reefs of the Red Sea, its range has expanded to include the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and the waters off Sri Lanka. While they typically live solitary lives, schools can occasionally be spotted in the southern Red Sea. Adults can grow up to 10 inches in length.

Renowned for its stunning colors, the Purple Tang is one of the most sought-after saltwater fish and a popular choice for reef aquariums. When housed properly, it makes a rewarding and visually appealing addition to any large fish-only tank or reef setup. To keep them healthy, ensure good lighting, ample swimming space, and plenty of hiding spots. However, be cautious with tank mates, as Purple Tangs can be aggressive, especially towards other tangs of similar body shapes, particularly those in the genus Zebrasoma.