Sailfin Tang


SKU: sailfin-tang

Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma velifer)

The Sailfin Tang, also known as the Pacific Sailfin Tang, features an oval body adorned with rich, distinctive markings. Its brown coloration is accented by light freckles on the nose and five vertical yellow stripes, each intricately patterned. The tail is bright yellow with blue highlights, and this fish can nearly double its size by raising or lowering its tall dorsal and anal fins. To thrive, the Sailfin Tang requires a spacious aquarium of at least 180 gallons to accommodate its swimming needs. While it can be aggressive toward its own species and similar fish, it is generally peaceful with other tankmates. When introducing like species, it’s best to add them all at once. Though Sailfin Tangs will accept meaty foods, it’s crucial to provide a diet rich in marine-based seaweed and algae. This not only supports their immune system but also helps reduce aggression and promotes overall health. Offer dried seaweed tied to a rock or using a veggie clip, feeding them at least three times a week. Products like Sea Veggies, Seaweed Salad, and Ocean Nutrition are excellent and easy to use.