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Six Line Wrasse

SKU: six-line-wrasse

Six Line Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia)

The Six Line Wrasse is a vibrant and active fish, characterized by its six distinct horizontal blue lines against an orange body. This member of the Labridae family adds a splash of color to any marine reef aquarium, especially when a courting male showcases intensified hues. Its lively darting among rock formations and corals captivates onlookers.

Also known as the Six line or Six stripe Wrasse, this species is native to the reefs of the Indo-Pacific and the coast of Fiji. In its natural habitat, the Six Line Wrasse forages among corals and rocks for food, generally preferring a solitary lifestyle. In an aquarium setting, it thrives best in a peaceful environment that offers plenty of hiding spots and live rock for foraging. This wrasse searches for live foods such as small crustaceans, including pyramidellid snails (clam parasites), urchins, and commensal flatworms. It is also effective at consuming unwanted pests like bristleworms on live rock.

While generally peaceful, the Six Line Wrasse can display aggression towards other peaceful wrasses and timid fish, particularly if it feels underfed or lacks hiding spaces.

A well-rounded diet for the Six Line Wrasse should include vitamin-enriched frozen mysis shrimp, frozen brine shrimp, and other meaty foods, along with high-quality marine flakes and pellets.

**Approximate Purchase Size:** 1″ to 3″