Out of Stock

Spotted Goatfish

SKU: spotted-goatfish

Spotted Goatfish (Pseudupeneus maculatus)

Spotted goatfish are commonly found in shallow waters over rock or sand bottoms near reefs. They primarily feed on bottom-dwelling crabs, shrimp, and small fish. Characterized by three dark blotches along their back and distinctive barbels used for stirring up sand while hunting, these fish are easily recognizable.

Goatfish are easily identified by their two chin barbels, which are equipped with chemosensory organs that help them probe sand and reef crevices in search of food. They have a deep, elongated body with a forked tail and widely spaced dorsal fins. The first dorsal fin features 6-8 spines, while the second dorsal fin has one spine and 8-9 soft rays, which are shorter than the anal fin. The anal fin typically has 1 or 2 spines and 5-8 soft rays. Goatfish have a total of 24 vertebrae.