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White Tail Bristletooth Tang

SKU: white-tail-bristletooth-tang

White Tail Bristletooth Tang (Ctenochaetus binotatus) 

The White Tail Bristletooth Tang is a popular choice for marine aquariums, known for its striking red body adorned with orange spots and a prominent white tail. As a member of the tang or surgeonfish family, it features a scalpel-like spine at the base of its tail. The White Tail Bristletooth Tang thrives in clear, shallow waters, typically found at depths of up to 30 meters. In the wild, adults often lead solitary lives, which means care should be taken when introducing similar-looking species to an aquarium to avoid stress and aggression. While they can be territorial towards their own kind and similar species, they generally coexist peacefully with a wide variety of tank mates, making them suitable for reef setups. Reaching up to 6 inches in length, this tang requires a spacious tank—ideally at least 4 feet long and 70 gallons in capacity—to accommodate its active swimming behavior. Ample rockwork is essential, as it not only simulates their natural habitat for grazing on algae but also provides hiding spots that help reduce stress. Diet is crucial for the health of the White Tail Bristletooth Tang. A varied diet that includes frozen meaty foods, marine pellets, and algae-based options is important for supporting their immune system. Their unique bristle-like teeth are specially adapted for scraping food from rocks, highlighting the need to include marine-based algae or seaweed in their daily feeding to mimic their natural foraging behavior.