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Yellow Belly Dogface Puffer

SKU: yellow-belly-dogface-puffer

Yellow Belly Dogface Puffer (Arothron Nigropunctatus)

The Yellowbelly Dogface Puffer, also known as the Golden Perch, Callop, or Murray Perch, is a striking addition to a home aquarium. This pufferfish thrives in moderate temperature ranges and primarily feeds on shrimp, mollusks, and smaller fish.Handling this puffer requires caution, especially around its gill plates, which have razor-sharp edges that can cause painful wounds. Additionally, the spines on the front part of its dorsal fin add to the handling risks.In the wild, the Yellowbelly Dogface Puffer prefers slow-moving, turbid sections of streams, which translates well to an aquarium environment. However, be wary when keeping it with invertebrates or small fish, as it may perceive them as potential prey.